Hello. Here is a real man. I am traductor and nothing-collector.
I know you want to make fun at me. Fuck you then.
I am dope collector.
I bought my first OG Tape yesterday. I have to scan it a few hours ago. Here ya go folks.
But, please.
If you have to call me a nothing-collector, you have to go to engine bow. Fucking air head boys.
My dick suck bitches. I fuvkrd your wifes. And I fucked 270 girls for 3 weeks. Oh YEAH!
Suck my cunt tark. Peace.
Man, i have no problem with you. Like i sayed i try to buy everything i can OG by myself has but respect
MP3 collectors too. You think get rare mp3 is easy? It's very hard, trust me. Because many of them don't have the money to pay for the rare OG's. So they are enjoing the rare dope g-funk mp3s.
Where u from, bro?
Sorry. Looks like you living in the past for real. I remember the times when i have to eat my own arms for mp3. It was crazy times. Now its different thing. People leak mp3s like air.
Yea Gank is on RV for nothing. I've traded alot MP3 rips with Gank. You can be sure about it.
He collects MP3 rips because he want to hear a album before he buy's it.
Man its a different world now, you live in the past.
More & more OG Collectors selling there rips. Its like a epidemic. We are infected with rare g-funk.
Gank is a leecher too. And you have not ogs at all, with compare with him. I have, how i said, about 1000 og cds & tapes. I have rare dope albums. So, please stop talking about mp3 in our forum. Thanks.
I dont know exactly what you talking about. Im a normal man in real life. Here im just enjoy the real rare music which i can't find in OG. But for real, i know a lot of rare mp3 collectors. Yes I saw guy who posting his rips from OG to Rapvault. Only what I can say, it's props to him. That's good to see, how 'd people can listen to rare mp3s. Im always leech rare mp3s.New [05-28, 21:59] pimpg 10 years leeching and if a kid from russia talks bullshit going crazy
Damn. Looks like you want to say I am not real. I am normal human. I can leech mp3's while I am living. Please, stop asking stupid questions. I am real man. Just want to listen to rare dope g-funk mp3s. A lot of collectors are real persons.
500 album for a day it's not big numbers trust me. I used to download a much more than 500 for a day in 2004 year in soulseek. There is was dope albums. So please be patient.